New information regarding potential budget cuts to NC Cooperative Extension and Research has recently surfaced. This situation has the potential to be extremely detrimental to these organizations. North Carolina is among the states that has seen the greatest growth from 1960 through 2004 in agricultural output. Studies show that each dollar spent on public agricultural research returns $32 to society. Compared to their peers, youth engaged in 4-H: stay in school longer, have higher graduation rates, have higher college attendance and graduation, smoke less, have significantly lower rates of criminal conduct and arrests, and are more involved in their communities. Recent information from the NC General Assembly has not been favorable for the University or Cooperative Extension. Conversations for cuts are now in the range of 25 - 30%. For Extension a 30% reduction is over $13M which would require the closing of 300 - 400 positions.
Send an email to these legislators if you support stabilization of these drastic cuts:
Contact: Senator Jerry Tillman - Jerry.Tillman@ncleg.net
Contact Representative Pat Hurley - Pat.Hurley@ncleg.net
Contact Representative Harold Brubaker - Email: Harold.Brubaker@ncleg.net
Thank you for your help.