4-H members and leaders are reminded about the 4-H YOUTH FAIR to be held on Saturday, September 19 at the Randolph Mall, Asheboro, beginning at 9:00 AM.
Youth may exhibit up to FIVE items. Judges will sit with each 4-H member and discuss how the 4-H member made each project or exhibit.
The judges will give some feedback to each club member and then assign a white, red or blue ribbon for each project.
The exhibits will then remain on display until 2:00 PM at the Randolph Mall.
Did you participate in Summer Adventures programming in LIBERTY, ASHEBORO, or ARCHDALE? If so, you are invited to participate in the YOUTH FAIR. Maybe you created a pop can lamp, an electric circuit board, a quilt, or a tote bag - any of these projects may be exhibited at the Youth Fair.
The judges will also select their top choices to represent Randolph County 4-H at the NC State Fair.
If you have questions about the Randolph County 4-H Youth Fair - please call us at:
Liberty 218-4000; Archdale / Trinity, 819-3000, and Asheboro, 318-6000.
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