FOR ALL 4-H MEMBERS!! Effective 2010, certified helmets MUST be worn by ALL 4-H'ers while mounted!
I-F.23. Riding Safety Headgear Policy
The North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service 4-H Horse Program (“the 4-H Program”) requires all riders to wear protective headgear that meets or surpasses current applicable ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials)/SEI (Safety Equipment Institute) standards while riding during all County, District and State 4-H Horse Program sponsored events and activities. This headgear must be properly fitted, properly worn on the top of the head, and worn with the harness securely fastened. Events and activities covered by this Rule include, but are not limited to: 4-H Horse Shows, 4-H Horsemanship Camps, 4-H Trail Rides, and 4-H Horse Drill Teams.
The term “riding” as used in this Rule (I-F.23) shall refer to the riding or driving of a horse or pony in a 4-H sponsored event or activity. The term “rider” as used in this Rule refers to a person engaged in riding. The 4-H Horse Program and the show committees, officials, judges, extension personnel and volunteers associated with the 4-H Horse Program shall enforce this Rule during 4-H Program events and activities. Any rider violating this rule will be immediately prohibited from further riding, and shall be barred or disqualified from the event or activity in which the rider is engaged at the time of the violation. It is the responsibility of the rider, and the parent or guardian of the rider, to confirm that the headgear worn by the rider complies with safety standards set forth above; is properly fitted, fastened, and worn; and is in such a condition that it would protect the rider in the case of an accident. The 4-H Horse Program and the show committees, officials, judges, extension personnel and volunteers associated with the 4-H Horse Program are not responsible for checking headgear worn by riders for compliance with this Rule.
The 4-H Horse Program makes no representation or warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the headgear worn by any rider during a 4-H Program sponsored event or activity. In particular, the 4-H Program makes no representation or warranty concerning the safety performance of any headgear worn by any rider. The 4-H Program cautions riders that death or serious injury may result despite wearing such headgear as all equestrian sports involve inherent dangerous risk and as no headgear can protect against all foreseeable injuries.