4-H members are reminded that scholarship applications, as well as, Honor Club applications are due into the Randolph County Extension Office by January 15. We will upload all applications and mail to Raleigh!
Click here for the Scholarship application!
Click her for the Honor Club Application!
If you would like assistance with these applications give us a call at 336-318-6000!
4-H is a community of young people across America who are learning leadership, citizenship and life skills!
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Junior 4-H Camp Planned
Are you someone who loves to go to CAMP? Well Randolph County 4-H is already planning Junior 4-H Camp for 2011.
Randolph County 4-H will take a group of youth to Betsy Jeff Penn 4-H Camp in Reidsville, NC July 3 - 8, 2011.
Cost to attend camp is just $300. Youth do not have to belong to 4-H to go to camp with us. Youth 8 - 14 years of age are eligible to attend.
While at camp, youth will hike, swim, complete art projects, horseback ride, meet new friends and learn about the out of doors as a great learning lab!
If you would like to camp with us, send a $75 nonrefundable
deposit to Randolph County 4-H, 112 W. Walker Avenue Asheboro, NC 27203. We will mail you all the camp forms necessary to enjoy a week of camp!
Call us at 336-318-6000 to get more information about camp!
4-H Record Books

4-H Members in Randolph County are reminded that 4-H recordbooks will be due in December. Each year, 4-H members are encouraged to keep notes about their 4-H projects. The notes can be fashioned into a record book that tells the story about a great 4-H year! Jody Terry and I will assist any club members needing help in compiling the record.
The best part of records is that many former 4-H members have discussed how their records have assisted them as they completed 4-H scholarships, applied for application into college and applied for work! The completed record book details a members projects, citizenship, leadership and community service work. All of these items are valuable to future employment and school opportunities.
Hungry To Help

We’ve all heard the old adage, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” Well, it’s true – nutritious food is good medicine. Food is one of our most basic needs. Along with oxygen, water, and shelter, it is necessary for human survival. In a nation as affluent as the United States, no child should go hungry. Yet everyday hunger disrupts the lives of 1 in 5 children in North Carolina.
Hunger is a problem hiding “in plain sight” in North Carolina. Whether it involves skipping meals, eating less than is needed to live a healthy life, or making do with foods that are filling but not nutritious, hunger’s effects can be devastating, especially among our more vulnerable citizens, including children and older adults.
According to an analysis by Feeding America, a hunger relief organization with which the food banks are affiliated, North Carolina ranks as the second-worst state in the nation when it comes to children under 5 lacking regular access to nutritious food and as 10th-worst for children of all ages.
In May 2009, Feeding America released the results of its first analysis of food insecurity in early childhood, “Child Food Insecurity in the United States: 2005 - 2007.” North Carolina ranked second worst in the nation with 24.1 percent of its children under 5 judged to be food insecure and lacking regular access to nutritional food. The state was 10th worst in the same Feeding America study of food insecurity in children 0-18 years old. Both studies used figures from the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Nationally, the food insecurity average is 17 percent for children under 5.
To combat hunger the NC 4-H Youth Development program and the Food Banks of North Carolina, all of which are affiliates of Feeding AmericaTM our nation’s largest hunger-relief organization, have teamed up to promote awareness of hunger in North Carolina and to make an impact in local communities through a new hunger awareness initiative entitled “Hungry to Help.”
According to Dr. Marshall Stewart, State 4-H Leader, “Exciting plans are underway to prepare 4-H’ers, 4-H volunteers and alumni to host a variety of hunger awareness programs, can food drives (virtual and real) and sponsor hunger related volunteer efforts in their local communities. Extension offices across the state will become “drop-off” locations for can food collections and the entire Extension family is gearing up to prepare participants to be citizen leaders for hunger relief.”
Randolph County held a canned food drive during National 4-H Week and is conducting another drive at our Farm City Week Event on Tuesday, November 16. If you should like to assist, bring your food items to our 4-H office, 112 W. Walker Avenue, Asheboro.
4-H is a community of six million young people across America learning leadership, citizenship, and life skills. North Carolina Cooperative Extension at North Carolina State University and North Carolina A&T State University conducts the 4-H program. More than 240,926 young people between the ages of 5 and 19 participate in North Carolina 4-H programs each year with the help of 21,221 adult and youth volunteers.
Monday, November 1, 2010
November / December 4-H News
Here is the latest information about Randolph County 4-H! Re-enrollment is happening for clubs and record-keeping is in HIGH GEAR! If you should need help with your 4-H records, give us a call and we can assist.
Click here to read the latest 4-H newsletter.
Click here to read the latest 4-H newsletter.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Fall 4-H Horse Newsletter is Posted

Are you interested in the 4-H Horse Program? The latest edition of the state 4-H horse newsletter is now available by clicking here!
If you would like more information about horse clubs in Randolph County, give us a call at 336-318-6000.
Monday, September 27, 2010
Super Sharp Shooting Stars ACHIEVE at State Shooting Contest!

Congratulations to the entire Super Sharp Shooting Stars 4-H club for their participation in the 4-H shooting sports competition held at Millstone Camp September 25.
Blair Faulkner competed in the senior division and scored second overall in the Rifle O class competition! Hayden Thomas tied for 4th in the junior division Rifle competition.
The Senior 4-H team finished seventh out of 21 teams competing in Archery and they finished ninth out of 27 teams in Rifle.
The Juniors finished seventh overall in Archery and seventh overall in Rifle!
This was the second year the Super Sharp Shooting Stars competed in the Rifle competition at the state meet! It was the first year that they competed in the Archery division.
Junior team members included: Hayden Thomas, Jacob Longuillo, Carson Minor, Mitchell Clapp, and Noah Kennedy
Senior team members included: Blair Faulkner, Brandon Allen, Drew DeForge, Kimmi Faircloth, and Addie Ward
Thursday, September 16, 2010
YOUTH FAIR September 18

Reminder to all 4-H members, our 4-H Youth Fair is this Saturday beginning at 9:00 AM at the Randolph Mall. Each 4-H member can bring up to five items for judging! The judge will award each item a ribbon and all projects will remain on display until 2:00PM.
In addition we will also be collecting food for our HUNGRY TO HELP campaign. 4-H is collecting food to be distributed to our local food pantries! One in five NC youth is food insecure, and 4-H is "HUNGRY TO HELP"
We will see you at the Mall on Saturday, September 18.
Thursday, September 9, 2010

Everyone is invited to Bicentennial Park tonight, September 9 in downtown Asheboro, to celebrate with Randolph County the beginning of the 2010 - 2011 United Way Campaign. 4-H is a United Way Agency and the programs we offer to families and club members are often less expensive because we are able to reduce costs by utilizing United Way Funds!
4-H member Yoselin Perez will be a featured speaker tonight at the Kickoff event! Come out and enjoy the evening! Arrive by 5:15 and festivities will begin at 5:30! See you there!
4-H Newsletter Available NOW
4-H Families can get the latest Randolph County 4-H News by Clicking HERE!
For information about upcoming programs, give us a call at 336-318-6000.
For information about upcoming programs, give us a call at 336-318-6000.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Friday, August 27, 2010
NC 4-H Forestry Invitational
The 2010 NC 4-H Forestry Invitational will be held on October 2, 2010, at Schenck Memorial Forest in Raleigh from 9am - 2pm. The registration deadline for the NC Forestry Invitational is September 17, 2010.
The state contest will consist of:
* Tree Identification - 25 species
* Tree Measurement - 15 trees
* Forest Insect Identification - 10 species
* Forest Disease Identification - 10 samples
* Forest Evaluation - team event, 60 minutes
Information and the registration forms can also be found by clicking here!
Teams can find all the contest information and materials they need by clicking here the National 4-H Forestry Invitational web site
The state contest will consist of:
* Tree Identification - 25 species
* Tree Measurement - 15 trees
* Forest Insect Identification - 10 species
* Forest Disease Identification - 10 samples
* Forest Evaluation - team event, 60 minutes
Information and the registration forms can also be found by clicking here!
Teams can find all the contest information and materials they need by clicking here the National 4-H Forestry Invitational web site
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Youth Fair Scheduled

4-H members, it is that time of year, the time to get your best five exhibits together and bring them to the Randolph Mall in Asheboro for our 4-H Youth Fair
WHEN: Saturday, September 18
WHERE: Randolph Mall, Asheboro, NC
TIME: Arrive for judging by 9:15 AM
BRING: Up to five cans of food for our HUNGRY TO HELP FOOD DRIVE
All 4-H members will sit with a 4-H judge and talk about your exhibits. Judges will evaluate each project and award a ribbon! The judges will ask you about how you designed your project, what you enjoyed about it, what you would do differently last time and they will be interested in knowing if you reached your goal!
The judges will also select the projects that will represent Randolph County 4-H at the North Carolina State Fair in Raleigh in October.
All projects will remain on display at the Mall until 2:00 PM.
4-H will be collecting food at the Mall on September 18. The food is collected to help replenish the supplies at our local food pantries.
Please call us at 336-318-6000 for more information!
4-H Horse Update
The South Central District is offering a Fall Horse Judging Warm-Up Clinic at Millstone 4-H Camp in Ellerbe, on September 18th, 2010 from 10:00am to 4:00pm. Further information and entry forms for this clinic can be found by clicking here!
Friday, July 9, 2010
Summer Adventure Fun
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Randolph County 4-H Junior Camp
District Activity Day
Monday, June 21, 2010
Horse Newsletter
Are you a 4-H member interested in the 4-H Horse Project?
The Horse Newsletter has some valuable information
about the Southern Regional Horse Show as well as the State Horse
Communications Contest for those that are interested in those two
Click here to read the newsletter.
The Horse Newsletter has some valuable information
about the Southern Regional Horse Show as well as the State Horse
Communications Contest for those that are interested in those two
Click here to read the newsletter.
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Liberty Summer 4-H Adventures
Are you interested in finding something fun and educational for your child to do this summer in the Liberty area? If so, you might be interested in looking at 4-H! We have classes designed to encourage youth to explore their interests and to have fun and meet other youth all at the same time.
Click here to read the brochure of listed classes.
Click here to read about the registration procedure.
Click here to see the registration form.
For more information, call Barb at 318-6000.
Click here to read the brochure of listed classes.
Click here to read about the registration procedure.
Click here to see the registration form.
For more information, call Barb at 318-6000.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Archdale / Trinity 4-H Summer Fun Programs
Are you interested in finding something fun and educational for your child to do this summer in the Archdale or Trinity area? If so, you might be interested in looking at 4-H! We have classes designed to encourage youth to explore their interests and to have fun and meet other youth all at the same time.
Click here to read the brochure of listed classes.
Click here to read about the registration procedure.
Click here to see the registration form.
For more information, please contact Barb at 336-318-6000.
Click here to read the brochure of listed classes.
Click here to read about the registration procedure.
Click here to see the registration form.
For more information, please contact Barb at 336-318-6000.
4-H Horticulture Team Members Needed!
Do you know youth between the ages of nine and eighteen who like plants, who are interested in fruits, vegetables, flowers, shrubs, trees, or turfgrass?
The Randolph County Center of North Carolina Cooperative Extension will hold an interest meeting for a 4-H Horticulture Team. The meeting will be at the Cooperative Extension office (in the ground floor of the building that houses Daymark Recovery Services). Pre-register by calling North Carolina Cooperative Extension at 336-318-6000.
For accommodations for persons with disabilities or limited English proficiency, contact Mary Helen Ferguson at 336-318-6000 (phone), 336-318-6011 (FAX), maryhelen_ferguson@ncsu.edu, or in person, no later than five business days before the event.
The Randolph County Center of North Carolina Cooperative Extension will hold an interest meeting for a 4-H Horticulture Team. The meeting will be at the Cooperative Extension office (in the ground floor of the building that houses Daymark Recovery Services). Pre-register by calling North Carolina Cooperative Extension at 336-318-6000.
For accommodations for persons with disabilities or limited English proficiency, contact Mary Helen Ferguson at 336-318-6000 (phone), 336-318-6011 (FAX), maryhelen_ferguson@ncsu.edu, or in person, no later than five business days before the event.
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Asheboro Summer Fun Classes Posted Here
Are you interested in finding something fun and educational for your child to do this summer? If so, you might be interested in looking at 4-H! We have classes designed to encourage youth to explore their interests and to have fun and meet other youth all at the same time.
Click here to read our brochure of offerings.
Click here to get a medical release form
Click here to receive a registration form
Click here to receive a five to seven year old registration form.
Registration will begin on Thursday, May 13.
For more information about 4-H in Randolph County, call 318-6000.
Click here to read our brochure of offerings.
Click here to get a medical release form
Click here to receive a registration form
Click here to receive a five to seven year old registration form.
Registration will begin on Thursday, May 13.
For more information about 4-H in Randolph County, call 318-6000.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Dairy Activity Results

Skillathon Sr. Division 2nd place: Randolph/Guilford
L to R: Jason Wright, Donald York, Cole Davis, Elmer York, Ryan Beeson
This team was 3rd in the Quiz Bowl Senior Division.

Skillathon Jr. Division 2nd place: Randolph/Guilford
L to R: Jason Wright, Sydney Davis, Rachel Osborne, Evan Gunter

Skillathon Jr. Division 3rd place: FCS Holy Cows (Randolph County)
left to right: Margie Grubb, Bryson Staley, DJ Hayes, Coby Kivett, Casey Rodriguez
This team also was 1st place in the Quiz Bowl Jr. Division
Quiz Bowl Sr. Division 2nd place: Eastern Randolph
Stevy Landrie (coach), Mickey Jo Grubb, Sarah Busmire, Brodie Hill
Monday, March 29, 2010
March / April 4-H Newsletter
Have you read the latest issue of the 4-H newsletter? Click here to read the March / April issue.
Call our office at 318-6000 if you would like more information about any of the programs or events that are listed.
Call our office at 318-6000 if you would like more information about any of the programs or events that are listed.
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Randolph County 4-H Members going to Teen Retreat
Did you know that the following Randolph County 4-H club members will travel to Betsy Jeff Penn 4-H Educational Center March 5-6 to take part in the North Central District 4-H Teen Retreat:
Anna Laton
Josh Laton
Monica Stickler
Yoselin Perez
Laura Allred
Ben Talbott
While at Teen Retreat, participants will meet other 4-H members from across the district, attend workshops, elect district officers and participate in the annual spirit stick competition and variety show!
Eligible members are 4-H members 13 years of age and older.
For more information about joining Randolph County 4-H, contact us here at: Liberty 218-4000; Archdale / Trinity, 819-3000, and Asheboro, 318-6000. 4H is open to girls and boys ages 519 without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin or disability. 4-H is a United Way Agency.
Anna Laton
Josh Laton
Monica Stickler
Yoselin Perez
Laura Allred
Ben Talbott
While at Teen Retreat, participants will meet other 4-H members from across the district, attend workshops, elect district officers and participate in the annual spirit stick competition and variety show!
Eligible members are 4-H members 13 years of age and older.
For more information about joining Randolph County 4-H, contact us here at: Liberty 218-4000; Archdale / Trinity, 819-3000, and Asheboro, 318-6000. 4H is open to girls and boys ages 519 without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin or disability. 4-H is a United Way Agency.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
4-H Photos
Thursday, February 25, 2010
NC 4-H International Exchange
Randolph County 4-H members, would you like to host a Japanese Exchange Student for one month this summer? Now is the time to begin thinking about it.
We have 10 boys, 10 girls and 3 adult chaperones that need homes.
Host families must have a child of the same gender and within 2 years of the same age as the Japanese exchange student. Families without children who would like to host may host a chaperone. Host families provide all meals, supervision, transportation to/from the pick-up point, a bed (students do not need to have their own room), and love and support. Families must fill out an application, undergo an in-home interviewand background check, and if selected, attend required orientation trainings. Applications to host a Japanese student are due by April 30, 2010.
Here is the application form for you to fill out to host an exchange student this summer!
Here is the reference form needed.
Here is the disclosure form needed.
Click here to read about the girls participating in the Japanese Exchange.
Click here to read about the boys participating in the Japanese Exchange.
If you should have additional questions, contact Carolyn Langley, County Extension Director at 336-318-6000.
We have 10 boys, 10 girls and 3 adult chaperones that need homes.
Host families must have a child of the same gender and within 2 years of the same age as the Japanese exchange student. Families without children who would like to host may host a chaperone. Host families provide all meals, supervision, transportation to/from the pick-up point, a bed (students do not need to have their own room), and love and support. Families must fill out an application, undergo an in-home interviewand background check, and if selected, attend required orientation trainings. Applications to host a Japanese student are due by April 30, 2010.
Here is the application form for you to fill out to host an exchange student this summer!
Here is the reference form needed.
Here is the disclosure form needed.
Click here to read about the girls participating in the Japanese Exchange.
Click here to read about the boys participating in the Japanese Exchange.
If you should have additional questions, contact Carolyn Langley, County Extension Director at 336-318-6000.
Winter Horse Newsletter

Are you a 4-H member who is interested in the Horse project? Here is the latest edition of the State 4-H Newsletter. You can read this newsletter to learn more about when the horse bowl and hippology contests will be held.
Click here to read all about it.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Resolutions for a Plant & Soils Geek
Interested in growing your own food? Click here to download a Plant and Soils Geek guide to New Years resolutions.
For more plant and soil ideas, click here!
For more plant and soil ideas, click here!
NC 4-H Alumni & Friends
Are you a Randolph County 4-H Alumni? Would you like to reconnect with 4-H members who, like you, are currently aged out of 4-H?
The NC 4-H Alumni and Friends Association invites 4-H alumni, age 19-25, to a weekend at Betsy Jeff Penn 4-H Camp on April 9-10. You do not have to be a member of the Alumni Association to come.
We’ll spend Friday evening re-connecting and scheming about how we can stay in touch with one another and with 4-H! In exchange for our low, registration rate of only $15, we’ll be participating in service projects around the camp on Saturday morning.
It’s sure to be a great weekend of networking and service to our favorite youth organization! We can only accommodate 40 people. Registration due date is March 31, and it’s first come, first served, so don’t delay!!
Here are all the details.
The NC 4-H Alumni and Friends Association invites 4-H alumni, age 19-25, to a weekend at Betsy Jeff Penn 4-H Camp on April 9-10. You do not have to be a member of the Alumni Association to come.
We’ll spend Friday evening re-connecting and scheming about how we can stay in touch with one another and with 4-H! In exchange for our low, registration rate of only $15, we’ll be participating in service projects around the camp on Saturday morning.
It’s sure to be a great weekend of networking and service to our favorite youth organization! We can only accommodate 40 people. Registration due date is March 31, and it’s first come, first served, so don’t delay!!
Here are all the details.
Friday, February 19, 2010
Check this out!
New Radio Show for Chicken Enthusiasts
Backyard Poultry with The Chicken Whisperer
Andy Schneider, better known as the Chicken Whisperer has become the go-to guy across the country for anything chickens. Over the years he has helped a countless number of people start their very own backyard flocks. He is not only a national radio personality, but also a contributor for Mother Earth News Magazine, Grit Magazine, and Farmers Almanac. He is the owner of Atlanta Pet Chickens, Classroom Chickens, and is the Founder/Organizer of the Atlanta Pet Chicken Meetup Group that has quickly grown to over 850 local members! He has been featured on CNN, HLN, CBS, NBC, NPR, as well as in TIME Magazine, Economist, USA Today, Atlanta Journal-Constitution (Front Page Story), New Life Journal, and countless other local and national publications.
The Chicken Whisperer™ will be coming to a town near you on the 2010 Chicken Whisperer Tour! Backyard Poultry with the Chicken Whisperer™ is a nationally broadcast radio show all about keeping backyard poultry and living a self-sufficient lifestyle. Each week the Chicken Whisperer™ and his co-host, Pat Foreman, author of City Chicks, Chicken Tractor, Day Range Poultry, and Backyard Market Gardening, welcome special guests from all around the country to talk about keeping backyard poultry, and living a more self-sufficient lifestyle. Guests include certified avian veterinarians, feed representatives, product representatives, FFA members, 4-H members, poultry club members, and the who's who in the backyard poultry industry.
Listen "LIVE" Monday through Friday at 12:00pm EST here:
Follow the chicken whisperer on twitter:
Backyard Poultry with The Chicken Whisperer
Andy Schneider, better known as the Chicken Whisperer has become the go-to guy across the country for anything chickens. Over the years he has helped a countless number of people start their very own backyard flocks. He is not only a national radio personality, but also a contributor for Mother Earth News Magazine, Grit Magazine, and Farmers Almanac. He is the owner of Atlanta Pet Chickens, Classroom Chickens, and is the Founder/Organizer of the Atlanta Pet Chicken Meetup Group that has quickly grown to over 850 local members! He has been featured on CNN, HLN, CBS, NBC, NPR, as well as in TIME Magazine, Economist, USA Today, Atlanta Journal-Constitution (Front Page Story), New Life Journal, and countless other local and national publications.
The Chicken Whisperer™ will be coming to a town near you on the 2010 Chicken Whisperer Tour! Backyard Poultry with the Chicken Whisperer™ is a nationally broadcast radio show all about keeping backyard poultry and living a self-sufficient lifestyle. Each week the Chicken Whisperer™ and his co-host, Pat Foreman, author of City Chicks, Chicken Tractor, Day Range Poultry, and Backyard Market Gardening, welcome special guests from all around the country to talk about keeping backyard poultry, and living a more self-sufficient lifestyle. Guests include certified avian veterinarians, feed representatives, product representatives, FFA members, 4-H members, poultry club members, and the who's who in the backyard poultry industry.
Listen "LIVE" Monday through Friday at 12:00pm EST here:
Follow the chicken whisperer on twitter:
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
2010 State 4-H Dairy Cattle Judging Contest Date Set for November 17 and 18
Are you a 4-H member with a Dairy Project? Mark November 17 and 18 on your calendar for the State 4-H Dairy Cattle Judging Contest.
It will be held at the Rowan County Fairgrounds. As in past years, this contest will be held at the same time as the state FFA dairy judging contest. An educational program will be held on Wednesday night, November 17 and the actual contest will be held on Thursday morning November 18.
Registration forms and additional information will be available soon on the State 4-H Dairy Youth Program website.
The website can be found here:
It will be held at the Rowan County Fairgrounds. As in past years, this contest will be held at the same time as the state FFA dairy judging contest. An educational program will be held on Wednesday night, November 17 and the actual contest will be held on Thursday morning November 18.
Registration forms and additional information will be available soon on the State 4-H Dairy Youth Program website.
The website can be found here:
Hexapod Haiku Challenge
Are you interested in BUGS? Do you love poetry? The two are mixing in this new contest! the NC State Insect Museum is sponsoring this third annual "Hexapod Haiku Challenge" and it is open to anyone of any age.
Click here to read more about the challenge!
Even more details are available here!
The word Hexapoda refers to all insects and their six-legged arthropod relatives (springtails, diplurans, and proturans). We're calling this contest the Hexapod Haiku Challenge only for alliterative purposes. We would love to have haiku that feature any familiar arthropod associated with the field of entomology, including those arthropods without six legs (e.g., spiders, millipedes, centipedes, and scorpions).
Entries are due on March 20!
Good Luck!
Click here to read more about the challenge!
Even more details are available here!
The word Hexapoda refers to all insects and their six-legged arthropod relatives (springtails, diplurans, and proturans). We're calling this contest the Hexapod Haiku Challenge only for alliterative purposes. We would love to have haiku that feature any familiar arthropod associated with the field of entomology, including those arthropods without six legs (e.g., spiders, millipedes, centipedes, and scorpions).
Entries are due on March 20!
Good Luck!
Monday, February 15, 2010
4-H Club Officer Training

The club officer training canceled last weekend will be rescheduled for this coming Saturday, February 20. Meet at the NC Cooperative Extension office, Randolph County Center at 8:15 AM. We will travel to Lexington. The training begins at 9:15 and we will finish by noon. Lunch will be served.
We should arrive back in Asheboro before 2:00 PM. If you have questions, please call our office at 318-6000.
Friday, February 12, 2010
If more bad weather strikes!

Being prepared is one way to feel more at ease this winter!
Check out this local resource from North Carolina Cooperative Extension if bad weather strikes!
Have you ever wondered?

What is it like to work at NASA? What jobs do engineers have on space missions? What classes should I take to become an engineer? A panel of African American engineers at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif., and a former high school intern will answer these questions and more during a live online program on Wed., Feb. 24 at 1 p.m. Eastern/10 a.m. Pacific. JPL manages many robotic space missions for NASA, including the Mars Exploration Rovers and the Cassini Mission at Saturn.
This online event honoring Black History Month is geared to high school students. School audiences will be able to “tune in live” to the NASA/JPL UStream Web page. Click here to watch the 30- to 40-minute program.
Classrooms are invited to email questions in advance to the panel. All questions must be received by Friday, Feb. 19 at 6 p.m. Eastern/3 p.m. Pacific. To submit a question, send it to education@jpl.nasa.gov . Please include school name, city, state, grade level and, preferably, student’s first name. No last names will be used. A few pre-selected schools may pose questions live to the panel.
The panel of engineers includes:
Kobie Boykins -- Kobie began his work at JPL as a student “co-op” working on the mobility system for the Mars Pathfinder Mission. He was involved in building the solar array panels for the Mars Exploration Rovers and is currently working on the upcoming Mars Science Laboratory Mission.
Tracy Drain -- Tracy’s first assignment at JPL was to work on futuristic robotic outposts on Mars. She later built and tested command sequences, or computer instructions for a spacecraft, for the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Mission. On the Kepler Mission, Tracy co-led the operations team in responding to unplanned events during space travel. She is currently working on the Juno Mission to Jupiter, focusing on ways to ensure safe space travel to the planet.
Carrine Johnson – Carrine is currently a senior in a Southern California high school. Last summer she was an intern at JPL. This fall, Carrine plans to attend college and major in engineering.
Visit http://education.jpl.nasa.gov for more information about JPL’s educational opportunities and teacher resources.
All NASA educational materials are at http://www.nasa.gov/offices/education/about/index.html
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Are you interested in becoming a Junior Ranger?

Explore, learn and help out your state parks! The new Junior Ranger guide is packed full of fun activities you can do at any of our 39 state parks. Be a Junior Ranger!
It's a fun way for children to explore with their family, 4-H, scout troop or youth group. Activities are geared for children ages 6-12.
• Children gain an appreciation of North Carolina's cultural and natural heritage and learn about careers in natural resources.
• A different Junior Ranger patch is awarded at each park.
The Junior Ranger program is proudly sponsored by the Friends of State Parks and the Great Outdoor Provision Company.
Click here to learn more information!
Monday, February 8, 2010
January / February 4-H newsletter
Here is the latest issue of the Randolph County 4-H newsletter!
If you would like to join Randolph County 4-H, please call our office at 336-318-6000.
If you have questions, please call or stop by. We are located at 112 W. Walker Avenue.
Asheboro. Our offices are in the lower level of the DAYMARK building. (formerly known as Sandhills Mental Health Center)
If you would like to join Randolph County 4-H, please call our office at 336-318-6000.
If you have questions, please call or stop by. We are located at 112 W. Walker Avenue.
Asheboro. Our offices are in the lower level of the DAYMARK building. (formerly known as Sandhills Mental Health Center)
4-H Favorite Food Show Scheduled

Randolph County 4-H members are invited to participate in the 2010 4-H Favorite Food Show Contest to be held at the Randolph County Extension Office on Saturday April 3.
This show is open to cloverbuds - 5 - 8 year olds. Junior 4-H members 9 - 13 year olds and Seniors - 14 - 19 year olds.
Special thanks to the Country Kids Livestock Club for coordinating the Food Show!
Click here to read about the food show.
Click here to print a copy of the registration from.
Set up for the food show will begin at 9:00 AM and Judging will begin at 9:45 AM.
Following the judging, prizes will be awarded and fellowship will be enjoyed.
Remember, your registration form is due to Heather Wright by March 19.
If you send it here - we will pass them along to Heather and Jason.
Friday, January 22, 2010
4-H Shooting Sports Calendar

Hello All,
The Randolph County 4-H program has an active 4-H Shooting Club. Here are some dates that may be of interest to you as you plan your year:
Spring Leaders Workshop: April 9-11 at Millstone 4-H Camp - Volunteer leaders can attend this training to become certified in a discipline of their choice. A certified leader is required for any of the shooting sports programs to be implemented here in Randolph County.
Fall Leaders Workshop: October 22-24 at Millstone 4-H Camp
4-H Shooting Sports Tournament : September 25 and 26 at Millstone
If you are interested in joining this active club, contact us at Randolph County 4-H: 318-6000.
Hippology Forms are available
Have you ever wanted to participate in the 4-H Hippology Contest? You might be wondering what 4-H Hippology is!
The primary objective of the Hippology contest is to provide, in a friendly but competitive setting, an opportunity for youth enrolled in 4-H to demonstrate the breadth of their knowledge and understanding of equine science and management, and in particular, the practical application of this knowledge and skill. It is hoped that this contest will generate new friendships and be a rewarding experience for the contestants.
The Hippology entry forms for 2010 are now available on the Extension Horse Husbandry web site:
Click here to access the website and forms!
Please be aware that all portions of Hippology will be completed at A&T on March 6, 2010!
For more information, please contact the Randolph County 4-H office, 318-6000.
The primary objective of the Hippology contest is to provide, in a friendly but competitive setting, an opportunity for youth enrolled in 4-H to demonstrate the breadth of their knowledge and understanding of equine science and management, and in particular, the practical application of this knowledge and skill. It is hoped that this contest will generate new friendships and be a rewarding experience for the contestants.
The Hippology entry forms for 2010 are now available on the Extension Horse Husbandry web site:
Click here to access the website and forms!
Please be aware that all portions of Hippology will be completed at A&T on March 6, 2010!
For more information, please contact the Randolph County 4-H office, 318-6000.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
4-H Livestock Dates Announced
Are you a 4-H member who wants to participate in more livestock events in 4-H? Here are some upcoming events that may work into your schedule.
March 6 & 7 Eastern Carolina 4-H Livestock School
May 22 Livestock Judging Clinic
June 29 NC 4-H Livestock Judging Contest
June 30 NC 4-H Skillathon and Quiz Bowl Contest
October 30 NC State Fair & Southeastern Regional Livestock Judging Contest
October 31 NC State Fair & Southeastern Regional Skillathon Contest
If you should need more information call our office, at 318-6000.
March 6 & 7 Eastern Carolina 4-H Livestock School
May 22 Livestock Judging Clinic
June 29 NC 4-H Livestock Judging Contest
June 30 NC 4-H Skillathon and Quiz Bowl Contest
October 30 NC State Fair & Southeastern Regional Livestock Judging Contest
October 31 NC State Fair & Southeastern Regional Skillathon Contest
If you should need more information call our office, at 318-6000.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Is My Community HoneyBee Friendly?
It is time to start thinking about the Honey Bee Essay Contest. This year's topic is:
"Is My Community Honey Bee-Friendly?"
Earn $1 for every word you write. About two years ago, the national prize for first place was raised to $750!
Details and rules can be found at the link below. Please follow them precisely.
Essays are due to the Extension Office by February 1, 2010.
For more information, click here!
"Is My Community Honey Bee-Friendly?"
Earn $1 for every word you write. About two years ago, the national prize for first place was raised to $750!
Details and rules can be found at the link below. Please follow them precisely.
Essays are due to the Extension Office by February 1, 2010.
For more information, click here!
Riding Safety Headgear Policy
FOR ALL 4-H MEMBERS!! Effective 2010, certified helmets MUST be worn by ALL 4-H'ers while mounted!
I-F.23. Riding Safety Headgear Policy
The North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service 4-H Horse Program (“the 4-H Program”) requires all riders to wear protective headgear that meets or surpasses current applicable ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials)/SEI (Safety Equipment Institute) standards while riding during all County, District and State 4-H Horse Program sponsored events and activities. This headgear must be properly fitted, properly worn on the top of the head, and worn with the harness securely fastened. Events and activities covered by this Rule include, but are not limited to: 4-H Horse Shows, 4-H Horsemanship Camps, 4-H Trail Rides, and 4-H Horse Drill Teams.
The term “riding” as used in this Rule (I-F.23) shall refer to the riding or driving of a horse or pony in a 4-H sponsored event or activity. The term “rider” as used in this Rule refers to a person engaged in riding. The 4-H Horse Program and the show committees, officials, judges, extension personnel and volunteers associated with the 4-H Horse Program shall enforce this Rule during 4-H Program events and activities. Any rider violating this rule will be immediately prohibited from further riding, and shall be barred or disqualified from the event or activity in which the rider is engaged at the time of the violation. It is the responsibility of the rider, and the parent or guardian of the rider, to confirm that the headgear worn by the rider complies with safety standards set forth above; is properly fitted, fastened, and worn; and is in such a condition that it would protect the rider in the case of an accident. The 4-H Horse Program and the show committees, officials, judges, extension personnel and volunteers associated with the 4-H Horse Program are not responsible for checking headgear worn by riders for compliance with this Rule.
The 4-H Horse Program makes no representation or warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the headgear worn by any rider during a 4-H Program sponsored event or activity. In particular, the 4-H Program makes no representation or warranty concerning the safety performance of any headgear worn by any rider. The 4-H Program cautions riders that death or serious injury may result despite wearing such headgear as all equestrian sports involve inherent dangerous risk and as no headgear can protect against all foreseeable injuries.
I-F.23. Riding Safety Headgear Policy
The North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service 4-H Horse Program (“the 4-H Program”) requires all riders to wear protective headgear that meets or surpasses current applicable ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials)/SEI (Safety Equipment Institute) standards while riding during all County, District and State 4-H Horse Program sponsored events and activities. This headgear must be properly fitted, properly worn on the top of the head, and worn with the harness securely fastened. Events and activities covered by this Rule include, but are not limited to: 4-H Horse Shows, 4-H Horsemanship Camps, 4-H Trail Rides, and 4-H Horse Drill Teams.
The term “riding” as used in this Rule (I-F.23) shall refer to the riding or driving of a horse or pony in a 4-H sponsored event or activity. The term “rider” as used in this Rule refers to a person engaged in riding. The 4-H Horse Program and the show committees, officials, judges, extension personnel and volunteers associated with the 4-H Horse Program shall enforce this Rule during 4-H Program events and activities. Any rider violating this rule will be immediately prohibited from further riding, and shall be barred or disqualified from the event or activity in which the rider is engaged at the time of the violation. It is the responsibility of the rider, and the parent or guardian of the rider, to confirm that the headgear worn by the rider complies with safety standards set forth above; is properly fitted, fastened, and worn; and is in such a condition that it would protect the rider in the case of an accident. The 4-H Horse Program and the show committees, officials, judges, extension personnel and volunteers associated with the 4-H Horse Program are not responsible for checking headgear worn by riders for compliance with this Rule.
The 4-H Horse Program makes no representation or warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the headgear worn by any rider during a 4-H Program sponsored event or activity. In particular, the 4-H Program makes no representation or warranty concerning the safety performance of any headgear worn by any rider. The 4-H Program cautions riders that death or serious injury may result despite wearing such headgear as all equestrian sports involve inherent dangerous risk and as no headgear can protect against all foreseeable injuries.
4-H Club Officer Training

Are you a 4-H Club Officer in your club? Do you serve as the President, or Vice President, or Secretary, Treasurer, or Historian of your club? If you do, you are invited to attend the next Club Officer Training session to be held on Saturday, February 13 at the Davidson County Extension Office in Lexington.
As a group of 4-H members, we will travel from Randolph County and attend the officer training session. Plan to meet at the Randolph County Extension Office at 8:15 AM and we will ride the 4-H Van to Lexington. We will conclude the training at noon and 4-H will buy lunch on the ride home.
If you would like to join us on this training session, call and register. Our telephone number is 336 - 318-6000.
If you have further questions, please call us or stop by our offices. We are located at 112 W. Walker Ave. Asheboro.
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