The summer institute is a four-day, four-night conference designed to broaden the high school student’s understanding of the educational disciplines, scholarship opportunities, careers and industries related to poultry science.
Any high school student (rising 11th and 12th graders) with an interest in the biological sciences or a career in the poultry industry may apply to attend. You must list as a reference a high school science teacher, counselor, County Extension agent, 4H leader or vocational agriculture instructor. We also request a brief personal statement of why you would like to attend.
Cost for the conference is only $50.00, which includes your lodging on campus, all meals, field trips, workshop materials, great goody bags and entertainment.
MAY 2 is the deadline to REGISTER!Attendees will learn about the vast field that is Poultry Science as well as specific information on our Poultry Science Degree Program and areas such as:
* Career Fields & Areas of Opportunity
* Scholarship Requirements and Availability
* Internships while Attending College
* Employment Connections upon Graduation
* How to Apply to College and When
* and about anything else you would like to know about POULTRY!
Click here to see the registration!Click here to see the Poultry Website